West Bay, Bridport

West Bay, Bridport

Monday 6 April 2015


Hello again!
I can't believe how long it's been since my last post, this year is going by so quickly and I have had zero motivation. I couldn't really think of any beauty related posts to write so I've opted for the doctor who tag as it's something that I have always wanted to do; anyone that knows me will be more than aware that I love doctor who, so this is a very enjoyable post for me to write - let's get to it!
When did you become a fan of doctor who?
In 2005 when the show returned
What was the first episode you watched?
Favourite doctor?
The eleventh (Bow ties are cool ;) )
Favourite companion?
Amy, although I am also very fond of Clara
Least favourite companion?
Going to have to say Martha - I never really took to her
Favourite episode?
This is a tricky one! I feel like there's too many episodes that I really love... the first that comes to mind is The Angels take Manhattan even though it did make me cry!
Favourite alien/monster?
The Daleks, I actually find them cute which a lot of people find weird!
I have kept this post short and sweet - hope you have enjoyed reading it; please let me know your answers to the questions, I would love to find out other peoples opinions about the show.
I promise I will try to post more often!

Wednesday 7 January 2015


As keeping up to date with the Blog is one of my Goals for 2015 I decided to start with a review of Girl Online, which I have recently read after receiving it for Christmas!
Firstly I am going to point out the reason why I have chosen this book over any others to review; Zoe is (of course) my idol and the main reason I started this blog - she inspires me so much every day and this book has expanded that inspiration. Because of that obviously my opinion on the book was bound to be biased, but if I am completely honest I didn't really know what to expect, yes I was confident it would be good...Zoe's blog posts show enough evidence for that, but I didn't know whether I would personally enjoy it because I am not much of a reader (most books I have 'read' have never even been finished...oops!) But once I began reading, it soon became evident that this is one of, if not THE best books I have ever read, it was such a page turner, I literally could not put it down! (So much so it only took me two days to read) I felt like I could connect with Penny and got so involved with the story that I didn't want it to end! When it did end, I did shed a tear, not just because of the story itself (well mostly) and the unexpected ending, but also because I feel so proud of Zoe and what she has achieved. Of course I am aware of the 'scandal' about 'ghost-writers' but this doesn't bother me - Zoe never hid that she was having help with the writing, (she has even made a special thank you message at the end of the book for the people who helped her!) and let's be realistic, nobody can write a good quality first book alone! I don't see why I should turn my back on such a kind and genuine person because the media likes to pick at every little thing she does that isn't 'perfect'
I don't want to bore you or give away any spoilers so I will wrap this review up... If you have not read Girl Online yet I STRONGLY suggest you do!
If/when you have read it, let me know what you thought and maybe suggest some other books for me to read? 

Tuesday 6 January 2015


Do you believe in new year resolutions?
Personally I don't, which is why instead, I set myself goals for the year ahead as they require less expectation and are in honesty more realistic! This year I am sitting my final GCSE's and leaving school which will mean big changes in my life. For someone who has never enjoyed secondary school this is both exciting and daunting for me as I do not know what the future holds. I have also been shy all my life with little self esteem which is something that needs to change! For these reasons, and others, I have set myself the following goals for 2015:
Do not forget about the blog (like in 2014!)

Try new activities - Yoga is something I am very interested in!

Start a YouTube channel
Make new friends (and keep in contact with the old ones)

Look for the positives in myself

These are just a few which I have thought of on the spot,  but I am sure throughout the month I will think of more. The reason I have posted them here is so that I have no choice but to complete them - I am unable to 'talk myself out of' them!

If you have any suggestions to help me in completing my goals, please let me know.
 I would also love to hear about your own 'resolutions' or 'goals'
Let me know in the comments!



Tuesday 18 November 2014


When it comes to makeup I have to consider my extremely awkward skin, which is combination/oily and prone to blemishes! This means that the products I choose have to actually stay on my face throughout the whole day. Unfortunately I haven't found a foundation that does this independently hence I have to use a primer - which smooth's the skin and helps everything stay in place.

One thing that is consistent with all primers is the price - they aren't cheap! I have been through so many different brands over the past year before I stumbled across this bargain whilst in Wilko's. The 'light reflecting primer', which is currently priced at £4, is really effective and only the smallest amount is needed to smooth out the whole face.

The only negative about this product is that it doesn't work as well if applied immediately after moisturiser (but this could vary depending on individual skin types).

(Apart from that) this is a 'faultless' product which I highly recommend.

What other primers should I try?

Wednesday 12 November 2014


For my first beauty post I thought I'd keep it simple (and hopefully interesting) so what better than a review of my favourite mascara!
Mascara completes any and every makeup 'look' so getting it right (for you) is vital. I have been using this mascara for over a year (since it first came out) and I can honestly say it's bloomin' brilliant! On the side it reads 'for beautifully defined lashes' and from my own experience I can see this is no lie, the mascara enhances the individual lashes without clumping-another promise (suggested in the name) Obviously no mascara is completely 'clump-proof' if you go lash happy, but as long as you only apply a sustainable number of coats you should have no problems.
This mascara is probably best after its first few uses, where there isn't a lot or too little inside the tube. But honestly, there isn't really a difference throughout its life of (about) 3 months
While using this mascara I haven't really had the need to try others but a few have landed into my makeup bag. These were more expensive than the great value £2.99 but no where near as good quality.
I would without a doubt recommend this mascara to anyone who wants 'beautifully defined' lashes at an affordable price.
Without mascara

With mascara
(my eyes look different colours because the lighting changed in between taking the pictures)
Let me know if you try this mascara out or whether you have your own favourite mascara.